Sunday, March 29, 2015

Obesity, Tobacco, and Alcohol Kill More People in the U.S. Than Ebola

     In 2014, ebola became a global health crisis. It did not, however, effect the United States as much as the news made it seem. The first picture is of a protestor in Washington, DC that is urging people to help stop planes from flying to different countries and bringing back contaminated passengers. He is dressed up in protective gear as if everyone around him is infected and is hyping up the drama that surrounds ebola. This photo shows ebola as a very dangerous disease that requires everyones attention immediately.
     The cartoon that is shown is also about ebola, but does not support the claims that the photo makes. The drawing shows that Americans are overreacting to the news of ebola and are looking past more important things like obesity, tobacco, and alcohol. There have only been a few recorded cases of ebola and an even fewer amounts of death from it in the United States, while obesity, tobacco, and alcohol have accumulated around 840,000 deaths per year. This cartoon shows us that ebola should not be something to fret about in the United States. This is just one example of how different pictures can take different sides of a news topic and tell completely different stories.

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